sábado, 29 de junio de 2013

Jean Pierre Monsere, a tragic champion.

Jean Pierre Monsere was born  the 8th of September of 1948 in Roeselare, Belgium, and was supposed to be a new Merckx, at least in classics and Worlds, but he had no option.

The fifteenth of March, 1971, he died after being run over by a car while training.

He was a young promise from the same town than another Belgian pro, Patrick Sercu ( who was a superb track rider and a good "pro" rider too) 

Patrick Sercu

 Jempi ( as he was known) turned into "pro" with the mythic Flandria team in 1969, a year when everybody was speaking about Merckx, especially in Belgium.

He had very good perfonmances and won a monument,the " giro de Lombardia", after being disqualified the winner ( positive drug test) Gerben Kaerstens...
Photo:  graziano nardini

And in 1970 he showed a very good condition, winning two stages in the " Vuelta a Andalucía", and good position inspring classics ( 8th in G. Wewelgem, 6th in Flanders, 10th in Paris Roubaix and 8th in Flecha Wallona) and a third position in the Belgian championship, behind Merckx and Van Springel.

But his moment to enter the history of cycling was still to come, in August, in Leicester, where the World championship were held.

It was a flat ciruit, and the favourites were the Italian roders Gimondi and Dancelli, the German Altig, the French Guimard, and the Belgian team with De Vlaeminck, Merckx and Godefroot ( Monsere was just another rider).

There were 270 kilometers, with 18 laps to a flat circuit in a very cloudy and windy day.

Sunday 16th of August, Leicester.

The first laps were relaxed till Merckx started to accelerate in the 4th lap.


Then was time to attacks and counterattacks, and after a hard fight the Italian team took the control with dangerous attacks involving Dancelli, Motta and Gimondi, and in the 10th lap a very dangerous breakaway was formed, withou Merckx ... but with Monsere.

Time was passing , with advantages from 30" to 2 minutes for the breakaway. And in the 13th lap,not happy with the gap, another attack of Gimondi selected the race definitily.

Gimondi, Vasseur, Mortensen, Monsere,Roussel and West were going to fight for the rainbow. Behind them things were not clear and Gimondi´s effort made the breakaway possible. With a lap to go the gap was a minute.

An angry Gimondi was leading the front grou with no help

And Monsere took his moment with two kilometers left. He attacked and there was no reaction. There was a new world champion

Mortensen was now reacting and sprinting, but only for second...

He was the second youngest world champion after another Belgian, Karel Kaers, in 1934.

Joy for Monsere, dissapointment for an angry Gimondi who was accused by Monsere, who said the Italian tried to buy him.

Merckx finally just could be 29th, and de Vlaeminck 8th.

1º.Jean Pierre Monsere........6h33'58" 
2º.Leif Mortensen....................a 2"     
3º.Felice Gimondi..................a 2"  
4º.West.....................................a 3"
5º.Roussel.................................a 5"
6º.Vasseur.................................a 9"
7º.Godefroot..............................a 18"

Great for Monsere

Now he was one of the greats, and in 1971 he started strong, winning the Vuelta of Andalucia

But tragedy was going to break the career of this Belgian talent.

The fifteenth of March, Monsere died while riding  ...

The funeral was incredible and very moving ...

De Vlaeminck was devastated, Zoetemelk could not hel the emotion, and merckx just asked to reporters to leave him alone ... even Gimondi said that he was a true champion.

during the 1971 season , there were homages in honour of Jempi ...

Spruyt , Ocaña , Sweert , Merckx , Janssen  y Gosta Petterson

But tragedy pursued Monsere´s family and 5 years later his 7 year-old son Giovani died after crashing with his bycicle to a vehicle, Giovani´s bike was a present of another champion, Freddy Maertens.

Maertens could never recover from these two tragedies, so when he won his two Worlds, in 1976 and 1981, they were dedicated to Monsere and Giovanni

1976 Worlds.Ostuni,Italy.Maertens first,Moser, second, Conti third

1981Worlds, Praga.With Saronni and Hinault.

An emotive story for one of the talents that could not show all his potential.

Miss you Jempi.

domingo, 23 de junio de 2013

Pedro Delgado, luces y sombras. Parte VII. 1989 , Luxemburgo.

 Pedro Delgado, luces y sombras. Parte IV y anteriores.

Tras la temporada 88, el número 1 del ciclismo para grandes vueltas era Perico, a falta de rehabilitación de Roche y Lemond o de una posible resurrección de Fignon, parecía que el segoviano sería la principal referencia en vueltas de tres semanas.

Además volvía a disputar Vuelta y Tour. La Vuelta con recorrido clásico en referencia a los últimos años, con Cerler, Brañilín o Lagos como principales escollos montañosos, y el Tour co un recorrido muy variado pero extraño, en tnto el kilometraje de las etapas de montaña era ridículo en muchos casos y además el fin de fiesta era una contrarreloj no una etapa en línea.

Perico demostraba su fortaleza en Lieja donde hacía cuarto no pudiendo aspirar a mas por problemas mecánicos.

Foto   www.pedrodelgado.com

Al presentarse en la Vuelta Delgado era el principal favorito, si bien Reynolds reservaba la baza del joven Indurain para la general ( había ganado la Paris Niza).


Con todo y así, se llegaba a una Vuelta que iba a ser de lo más interesante, con los colombianos realizando un gran papel , con Omar Hernández ( varias jornadas) y Martin Farfán ( 1 jornada) llegando a ir líderes, y con una Fabio Parra que era tras su podium del Tour 88 una gran amenaza para un Perico que vencía en Cerler y que se ponía definitivamente de amarillo en la cronoescalada a Valdezcaray.

Parecía que Delgado tenía todo a favor y sin embargo en Lagos, una cima de grandes contradicciones para el segoviano, ganaba Pino y Parra recortaba diferencias ante el español que veía como su mal día casi le costaba el amarillo. Lo salvaba por unos escasos 2" respecto a Parra.

Al día siguiente la llegada a Brañilín, prolongación del puerto de Pajares, veía al ruso Ivaanov ganar la etapa con Delgado controlando por detrás los ataques de Pino y Parra y llegando a escasos 20" del ruso y sin dar la sensación de querer arrebatarle la victoria de etapa a éste.

Tras e mal día de Lagos, Delgado había superado el test de Brañilín con nota y además se imponía con 54" de ventaja sobre Parra en la contrarreloj de medina del Campo.

Quedaban dos etapas y Delgado era líder con 57" sobre Parra y 2'20" sobre Echave. Sólo el peligro de la sierra madrileña podía impedir la segunda victoria en la Vuelta de un Perico que demostraba que era el número 1.

Sin embargo la etapa de la sierra madrileña era dura

Perfil   plataformarecorridosciclistas.org

Con tres puertos de primera, Morcuera, Abantos y Navacerrada y Cotos y la Mina de segunda .

Y los movimientos se empezaron a dar desde el inicio de la etapa con los kelme y los corredores colombianos muy activos, pero con un Delgado que parecía que controlaba la situación, respondiendo a los ataques del colombiano y dando buenas sensaciones...

Foto   listas.eleconomista.es

... hasta que llegamos al último puerto , con Omar Hernández de Kelme,escapado,  Ángel Camargo de puente y el pelotón con Perico y Parra entre otros, se producía lo inesperado.

Ante otro ataque de Parra más Perico no iba, el colombiano abría hueco y la Vuelta tomaba otro color...

Foto Antonio Sevillano

Parra tiraba para adelante y por detrás Perico sufría, nuevamente el Perico inestable, el de los Lagos , aparecía en la Vuelta, y la ventaja sobre Parra en la general era sólo de 57"...

Al coronar Navacerrada una cosa estaba clara, Hernández y Camargo previa charla del director de kelme Carrasco esperaban a Parra, mientras Perico que no tenía compañeros en el grupo veía como Ivanov ( quizás en pago de la etapa de Brañilín y Suykerbuyck le echaban una mano.

Parra estaba líder provisional a falta de 20 kilómetros para meta.

Sin embargo por detrás Delgado y sus nuevos aliados conseguían reducir la diferencia y en meta la victoria era para Camargo y Parra sólo sacaba 22" al grupo del líder. La Vuelta era suya.

Sin eembargo Perico tenía que dejar sus ello y a la salida de la etapa siguiente entregaba en público un sobre a Ivanov. Las sospechas de pago por favores corrieron como la pólvora. Delgado decía que le había pasado su dirección, en fin Perico en estado puro y segunda Vuelta para el segoviano que entraba en los records de la Vuelta con dos triunfos junto a Deloor, Berendero, Fuente e Hinault.

Delgado se iba a presentar apenas un mes y medio despues como máximo favorito a ganar el Tour , a revaidar victoria y conseguir lo que ningún español había conseguido nunca, ganar la carrera francesa en dos ocasiones.

Los expertos daban al segoviano y al renacido Fignon tras su victoria en el giro y su segunda San Remo consecutiva como grandes favoritos.Tampoco había que perder de vista a Parra o al potente equipo PDM. Si bien Cyrille Guimard avisaba en privado a su pupilo Fignon que había que echar ojo también a Lemond, que había acabado el giro segundo en la contrarreloj final tras Piasecki... no se equivocaría el Napoleón de los directores...

El Tour empezaba el 1 de Julio con un prólogo de 7,8 km por las calles de Luxemburgo, quizás el día más duro para cualquier aficionado al ciclismo seguidor de Perico. A mis 12 años el disgusto me duró semanas y el recuerdo aún me dura, y es que Perico protagonizaba uno de los poxas situaciones rocambolescas que aún le quedaban ... llegaba tarde a la salida del prólogo cediendo 2'40" en la rampa .

El Tour parecía perdido desde antes del mismo inicio de éste,..., Echávarri arengaba al segoviano que sin saer qué pasaba salía disparado.

Al llegar a meta había cedido 2'54" respecto al ganador Breukink y era último en la general ... y aún podía dar gracias a que por una idéntica situación en el 85 con Fons de Wolf existía la norma de no descalificar al corredor por fuera de control.


Era algo increíble, no podía creerlo, mi ídolo y máximo favorito había tirado el Tour antes siquiera de echar a rodar.

Posteriormente Delgado contaría que pensaba que quedaba tiempo suficiente y se fué a dar una vuelta de calentamiento por los alrededores sin prisa alguna, si bien al final si notaba que le gritaban demasiado como metiéndole prisa ... y claro pues era que iba tarde, y llegaría tarde a la salida de aquella fatídica tarde en Luxemburgo ... definitivamente me acababa de sacar el carnet de periquista, ya no necesitaba nada más.

Y aún iba a ser peor cuando al día siguiente un Delgado nervioso atacaba en el rpimer sector y cogía una pájara en la contrarreloj por equipos del segundo sector.

Estábamos a dos de Julio y la clasificación decía lo siguiente...

1. Acacio Da Silva en 4h27'27"
2. Lilholt à 26"
3. Fignon à 2'37"
4. Marie à 2'41"
5. P.Simon à 2'48"
6. Rué à 3'00"
7. Imboden à 3'02"
8. Barteau
9. Breukink à 3'03"
10. Lavainne à 3'08"
11. D.Garde à 3'26"
12. Wampers à 3'27"
13. Kelly
14. LeMond à 3'28"
15. Vanderaerden à 3'31"

Delgado...a 9'57"

Se escuchaban voces que aconsejaban la retirada del español ( entre ellas la de Fignon), mientras otros como Hinault pedían prudencia ante todo lo que quedaba.

¿ Qué pensaba yo?, pues que éste deporte no me iba a traer más que sinsabores teneidno de referente a alguien como Delgado...

Dos días despues camino de Wasquehal y con pavé, Perico remontaba 50 posiciones y al día siguiente realizaba una gran contrarreloj, beneficiado además por ser de los primeros y realizar la larga contrarreloj de Rennes con tiempo soleado ( despues llovería) para acabar segundo tras Lemond,..., sí Lemond, el que casi había muerto dos años antes disparado por su cuñado de cacería había vuelto y era el nuevo líder.

Los periquistas volvíamos a soñar, aunque mi disgusto venía esta vez porque parecía que Perico iba a ganar la crono ya que andaba mejor en todos los pasos, salvo en meta donde Lemond ganaba.

1. Greg LeMond en 18h58'17"
2. Fignon à 5"
3. Marie à 20"
4. Breukink à 1'51"
5. Yates à 2'18"
6. P.Simon à 2'39"
7. Da Silva à 3'02"
8. Skibby à 3'24"
9. Bauer à 3'47"
10. Mottet à 4'09"

Perico seguía recuperando posiciones y se colocaba a 6'53" de Lemond. El milagro empezaba a soñarse.

Llegaban los Pirineos y en la primera etapa Delgado arañaba otro puñado de segundos , 27, a Lemond y Fignon, en un día con victoria de su compañero Indurain en la cima de Cauterets.

Y llegaba la etapa clave de Tour para Perico, la que llegaba a Superbagneres...

Perfil iciclismo.it

Iba a ser una jornada mágica para los seguidores españoles, que por fin iban a poder empezar a pensar en que el Tour era todavía una realidad al alcance de Perico.

Además no iban a a tardar mucho los movimientos ya que en el mismo Tourmalet Mottet, Millar y Richard se marchaban para quedar posteriormente solo el francés y el escocés. Al coronar se marchaba Gorospe que era cazado por Delgado en el valle antes del Aspin.

Además Fignon había mostrado debilidad en el Tourmalet y todavía quedaban muchos kilómetros. Sin duda la etapa se estaba planteando a lo grande. El líder Lemond a la expectativa, que sería su mejor arma durante el Tour.

Y la etapa iba a ser de órdago para los periquistas que veíamos como la ventaja del trío de cabeza aumentaba hasta lo insospechado con mas de 2 minutos por la cima del Aspin,

Foto loco de los pirineos/ omarperiko

y ventajas que sobrepasaban los 4 minutos en el Peyresourde. Delgado ahora ya tomaba claramente la iniciativa en una etapa que le estaba devolviendo al Tour ...

Foto Antonio Sevillano

 Mottet era el líder provisional y Delgado era ya una amenaza, mientras por detrás el PDM salvaba la papeleta a Lemond, y Fignon parecía recuperar sensaciones.

Sin duda la subida al duro y largo puerto de Superbagneres, donde el español Fuente había ganado en el 71 al día despues de la caída de Ocaña en Mente, podía marcar el Tour.

Por detrás se producía el ataque de la dupla del PDM , Rooks y Theunisse, mientras que Fignon tomaba la iniciativa con Lemond a rueda

Foto  www.greglemonfan.com

Y la ventaja se reducía a menos de 4 minutos, Mottet no sería nuevo líder y Delgado iba a dar un mordisco al Tour, pero lo bonito sería rematar la etapa con victoria.

A algo menos de 2 kilómetros de la cima, Delgado enrabietado con algunos espectadores, tiraba el bidón a uno y se marchaba cediendo Mottet, y en primera instancia Millar. Podíamos tener otra victria española tras la de Indurain el día anterior, sin duda el broche de oro para una gran jornada.

Sin embargo y como solía suceder con Perico, la alegría no pudo ser completa y Millar se rehacía y dejaba claro por qué era llamado cariñosamente como el hombre de los Pirineos ganando su tercera etapa del Tour ( tras Luchon 83 y Guzet Neige 84).

Mottet entraba a 12" y por detrás Fignon atacaba a Lemond dentro del kilómetro final

Foto   redkiteprayer.com

para conseguir un amarillo que se le resistía desde el 84.

La general quedaba, tal que sigue

1. Laurent Fignon en 46h11'49"
2. LeMond à 7"
3. Mottet à 57"
4. Delgado à 2'53"
5. Hampsten à 5'18"
6. M.Lejarreta à 5'51"
7. Bugno à 6'03"
8. Millar à 6'42"
9. Alcala à 6'46"
10. Rooks à 6'59"
11. Kelly à 7'03"
12. Theunisse à 7'06"
13. P.Simon à 7'07"
14. Indurain à 7'48"
15. Caritoux à 9'58" 

y con los Alpes a la vuelta de la esquina Perico volvía a contar para ganar el Tour y ahora, sí, todos creíamos en la remontada.

No se recordaba de otro corredor que empezando último estuviera una vez pasados los Pirineos ahí, en cuarta posición y acechando.

La portada del mundo deportivo era clara:

sábado, 8 de junio de 2013

Merckx, the last dream. Part II.

Merckx, the last dream. Part I. 

In the previous day to the Alpe, some rumours were saying that an important rider had tested positive in the mountain time trial to Morzine Avoriaz ... Zoetemelk was the one everybody pointed ...
At the end of the stage of Chamonix Merckx was chosen to pass a control, he couldn´t pee and he was forced to drink two litres of water, that was not a good thing for his disentery ... would he suffer the consecuences in the following day :

Profile stage by iciclismo.it and climb profiles by cyclingcols.com

A boring but non clear Tour, that was going to reach it´s turning point, a stage that would enter the history of the Tour with golden letters ... 19th of July 1977

Jacques Godet was terribly angry wih riders, the lack of fight during the Tour was annoying him a lot. He was thinking in more trials, in bonus for brave riders, and several methods ... and then the stage started ...
Hot, hot and hot, it was going to be a terrible day for cyclists.
The start was relaxed, Peugeot controlled the situation easily knowing that the difficult moments were still to come.
When the bunch got to the foot of the Madeleine, nothing important had happened, and the shadow of the dissapointment flew the Tour.

Thevenet had things under control

Photo by  retrobikesarebetterthanfixies.tumblr.com 

No movements, no fight, riders were spoiling the queen stage, it couldn´t de possible. When the peloton crossed the summit all the favourites were together, even a Merckx that seemed to be suffering due to his stomach problems. He had been a good part of the climb in the last positions with a bad face ...
But things was going to change, and Glandon would damaged riders, and destroyed the field.
After suffering since the first switchbacks , with more than 12 kilometers to the summit, the surrender came.

There were still more than 20 riders in the group and Merckx dropped

Photo   cyclingart.blogspot.com

We were witnessing the end of Merckx aas a real contender.

It seemed that he was going to quit, he was suffering , he was struggling without possible redemption, would he get off the bike?... you know the answer, he was dropping , but he was the best champion ever ...
Meanwhile, and with Merckx losing more than two minutes at that moment, the key movement of the Tour happened.
With more than 7 kilometers to the summit, a brave and courageous Van Impe attacked

Thevenet tried to respond but couldn´t. Van Impe was flying to the summit as he had done the previous year in a scape that gave him his first Tour

The rival now was not Zoetemelk but Thevenet, a braver rival, but Van Impe was riding hard and the advantage was increasing little by little.

Behind the favourites Merckx struggled, but people were cheering him, only some years ago they used to insult and shout at him because of his superiority, now they were recognising the heart of a true champion

Photo   cyclingart.blogspot.com

The other character of the day Van Impe was increasing the lead, and the advantage was 1'10" with a kilometer to the summit to Thevenet, Kuiper and Zoetemelk, more than 8 to Merckx... Thurau was suffering too...

Finally we were having a great day in the Tour,, with more than 50 kilometrs to the finish line, the field was destroyed and Van Impe was making his dream of a second Tour closer. At that moment he was the virtual yellow jersey with a little less than a minute.

The differences in the summit were clear. Van Impe first, 1'25" to Thevenet, Zoetemelk and Kuiper, Galdos and Heredia were losing more than two minutes, Thurau more than 5 and Merckx more than 10 minutes.
That was a queen stage of the Tour, an epic and historic one, and the best was to come ... even though the dream of Merckx had finished in the early slopes of the Glandon.

In the valley, Van Impe pushed hard and increased the gap to 2'45" to Thevenet, Zoetemelk, Kuiper and the Kas couple ( Galdos and Heredia) that had regained contact to a trio, where only Thevenet chased.

The Tour as in the air, Thevenet was furious but he knew that he had to chase like a champion ... behind them Merckx was losing more than 13 minutes, his dream had gone.

While the time passed Van Impe was losing time little by little, and Thevenet was forcing the pace, again with kuiper and Zoetemelk on his wheel... Galdos and Heredia had dropped ...

Photo   www.flandriacafe.com

Behind them Merckx was recovering himself and was performing a ssufering but good climb, with the support of the spectators.

Thevenet was closing the gap with Van Impe, but Kuiper was saving energy, he was only 49" ahead of
Thevenet and he knew that Thevenet was spending so much energy...

... with 5 kilometers to go Kuper jumped leaving Thevenet and Zoetemelk without answer


Thevenet knew it was a difficuolt moment, and  forced the most, leaving Zoetemelk behind

Kuiper was openning the gap ... 10", 15", 20" ... it was turning a dramatic situation and besides that a brave Van Impe was still leading the stage with more than a minute.


It was not going to last, with a little more than two kilometters to the line a car threw Van Impe


At that point the Belgian climber knew that he had lost the opportunity of winning the Tour


He was helped but he knew a new wheel and his car was not there, suddenly kuiper passed him, some seconds later Thevenet passed him too, while Van Impe shoutes at the French that Kuiper was near.

Van Impe had been brave, but bad luck had spoiled his ilussions. When he started riding again Kuiper and Thevenet were out of sight, and he was really tired.

But the drama was still on, with 48" to Kuiper with lss than a kilometer to go, and Thevenet trying his best.
Finally Kuiper crossed the finish line, he had won a great stage with 6 hours and 6 seconds, and he could take the yellow fron Thevenet


30",31",32" the time was passing , but Thevenet would cross the line 41" seconds behind, he was still in yellow by a ridiculous margin, 8".

In his own words, that day he was pushed to the limit as never before (and never later), but that day he had won the Tour.

2'06" behind Kuiper Van Impe crossed the line, 2'59" was Galdos, Zoetemlek , 5th, nearly 5 minutes ahead of Kuiper and the others more than 8 minutes later, without doubt one of the greatest days in the Tour history.

But we were waiting for Merckx, before him Thurau fell in the last bend and arrived the 17th, 12'32" ahead of Kuiper and Merckx crossed the line in 20th position with a delay of 13'10". He had done the best climb to the Alp. Incredibly he had recovered from pain and suffering in the last 14 kilometers.

In spite of that, he was exhausted too


The overall after the stage of the Alpe was:
1. Bernard Thévenet 97h35'51"
2. Kuiper à 8"
3. Van Impe à 1'58"
4. Galdos à 4'14"
5. Zoetemelk à 5'12"
6. Thurau à 12'02"
7. Laurent à 12'57"
8. Delisle à 14'54"
9. Merckx à 16'12"
10. R.Martin à 22'59"

Merckx was still in the top ten, and the next morning he was saying that he would come back to the Tour again ... to win ... Merckx was still dreaming but, the 1977 edition would be his last appeareance in the Tour.

When one thinks in the last win of a hero of sports, one thinks in mysthic and glory.
When you think in Merckx victories, you think in Lavaredo, Mourenx or classics, or whatever, great wins ...
When you think in a stage of Merckx, every stage is good to win, but the circumstances were going to be bad ones... doping ones...

20th of July, 1977, was going to be the 18th stage of the Tour.


Riders were going to take it easy. Not Merckx, ashamed of his bad Tour.

It was a quiet stage but Merckx attacked, he was caugh and then Agostinho with more than 90 kilometers to the finish line attacked to be ahead of all the riders during all the stage.

Behind him Menendez and Merckx scaped and at the end of the stage Agostinho won, Menendez second at 3'17" and Merckx 3rd at 3'19".

Merckx was now sixth because of the advantage to the peloton ( the peloton arrived 7'59" behind Agostinho).

The overall was now:
1. Bernard Thévenet en 103h39'55"
2. Kuiper à 8"
3. Van Impe à 1'58"
4. Galdos à 4'14"
5. Zoetemelk à 5'12"
6. Merckx à 11'33"
7. Thurau à 12'07"
8. Laurent à 12'57"
9. Delisle à 14'59"
10. Agostinho à 21'33"

Nobody knew but this stage was going to be the last win of Merckx, it is sad but it is the last important win of the Belgian champion. Days later Agostinho and Menendez were disqualified for doping and the stage passed to Merckx. Not the stage all had dreamed, a stage that does not count for Merckx.

After a stage win for knetemann, came the important time trial to Dijon where Kuiper and Thevenet were going to solve the Tour. Just 8 seconds for the French and the man in yellow after that time trial would win the Tour.

Meckx was trying to win a stage, but was just sixth after a great Thevenet


who won the stage, and more important, the Tour. Kuiper performed well, being third and losing 28" only, but the Tour was over.

1. Bernard Thévenet en 109h20'53"
2. Kuiper à 36"
3. Van Impe à 3'22"
4. Galdos à 7'18"
5. Zoetemelk* à 9'36"
6. Thurau à 12'30"
7. Merckx à 12'35"
8. Laurent à 17'37"
9. Delisle à 20'44"
10. Agostinho* à 22'52"

Knetemann would win again in Versalles and the last day there were two stags. A short time trial that went to the powerful and young Thurau, with kuiper losing 9 more seconds and Merckx losing the opportunity of winning a stage, for 9".

1. Dietrich Thurau en 7'52"
2. Knetemann à 3"
3. Thévenet à 6"
4. Merckx à 9"
5. Bruyère à 11"
6. Zoetemelk
7. Van Impe à 16"
8. Kuiper à 18"
9. Cima
10. Pronk à 19"

The second split stage was won by Alain Meslet and The 1977 edition finished


1. Bernard THEVENET (Fra) en 115h38'30"
2. Hennie Kuiper (Hol) à 48"
3. Lucien Van Impe (Bel) à 3'32"
4. Francisco Galdos (Esp) à 7'45"
5. Dietrich Thurau (All) à 12'24"
6. Eddy Merckx (Bel) à 12'38"
7. Michel Laurent (Fra) à 17'42"
8. Joop Zoetemelk (Hol) à 19'22"
9. Raymond Delisle (Fra) à 21'32"
10. Alain Meslet (Fra) à 27'31"

It was Thevenet second Tour, and above all, it was going to be the last Tour of the greatest, Eddy Merckx.
Images like the following,were not going to be repeated. After his tyranic years, we were going to miss him ...
